31 days blogging challenge.

You know how am a growing "child"  I have to remind myself am a child everyday because I am not just growing old am starting to feel old.  Just the other day my class mates where discussion best type of birth process to have and they worse part is the didn't Base this discussion on curiosity it was based on something else I could not place.  And this thing whatever it is made me hate the entire line of discussion.  We are too young  to have pregnancy apps or talk antenatal clinic visit. This conversation made me feel old and I realise am actually getting older whether I like it or not.
     So I have decided to make a change in the way I handle things.  I would start with my room, throwing away all items that are over 15 years old in there.  And the second thing I would be organising would be my thought but when am sleeping and when am awake. Am not even allowed to dream of super heroes again.
     I would also be organising my blog, I want to put a Lil bit of seriousness  to my unseriousness. So this month am doing a 31 days blogging challenge. In other words I would be blogging everyday for the rest of this month.



  1. Why would u want to be a lion? Is this Cecil talking

  2. Lmao over 15 years old ke, throw away things that are over 7 years jor;you'll have less things and the room would be more spacious

  3. Beautiful way of starting the month.. Happy new month folks.


  4. Beautiful way of starting the month.. Happy new month folks.


  5. I can't wait to follow you on this journey.


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Email address... Thetruthandeverythingelse@gmail.com

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